There are only two occasions that cause me to look at the world through rose coloured lenses and make me want to hug every human in sight. One is Christmas, the other is my last day of work before moving on to another company. There’s no drug quite like nostalgia that makes me tell colleagues whose death I was plotting a week ago for not filling the ice tray, that I’m going to miss them soooo much and be sure to stay in touch on socials.
Christmas really does deliver that magic in the air though. The first few weeks of December are full of road rage and Westfield carpark rage, but on Christmas Eve, when I walk around looking at Christmas Lights to the sounds of Mariah, Bublé & Wham! – something child-like and pure washes over me. There’s also no other time like Christmas morning that makes me want to run up to random strangers on the street, packing their cars with pressies and trifle, and scream out “Merry Christmas!”

But this year, I find myself in a little bit of a pickle. I appear to have lost my Christmas Spirit. Me! I’m one of those nut jobs who starts playing Christmas Carols and watching Christmas Movies in August. I love the anticipation. I did it all this year, had all my presents bought and wrapped by mid-October, had the tree up in November, wore the Christmas earrings everyday throughout December, and I was feeling it a little, but over the last week, I lost it. I even tried baking my specialty Christmas Cookies last night and dropped them off at the Wayside Chapel this morning. That felt great, but I still don’t feel like watching Elf or The Polar Express. I just keep binging old reruns of The Vampire Diaries where sexy, shirtless vampires drink scotch and fight over a schoolgirl (spoiler alert: there’s very little writing of the diaries).
Ok, so it’s been an absolute shit show of a year. There’s really no other way to describe it. Sure, we all have ups and downs throughout the year but this year, the whole world is hurting and you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t feel it in your soul. My mind has become a series of Harry Potter lines swirling around in ominous blacks and greys: “these are indeed dark times”.
For me personally, there were a lot of plans that just didn’t eventuate. Every day I’m grateful for all of the beauty in my life, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt when you put hours, days, weeks, months and sometimes years into career aspirations only to have the door slammed shut in your face multiple times in one year. A lot of wounds need to be licked. But, if Ross Gellar taught us anything, it’s to pivot.
Maybe I’m just tired and stressed. Work is always exhausting this time of year. And planning two Christmas Dinners and a Wedding ain’t no easy feat. Seriously, only a COVID bride will understand.
Last night I was staring out the window, hoping to see Santa doing a dry run through the night sky, but all I heard was a drunk dude bashing his mates, his girlfriend screaming, followed by Cop sirens (ahhh the Holidays). Then I decided to grab my phone and do a little research about this upcoming celestial event I’ve been hearing about (you might want to do a little Google search on December 21st 2020, the grand conjunction and the 5th dimension). Turns out this extra depression and anxiety we’ve been feeling this year may not just be COVID related, but influenced by the stars.

As we welcome the Summer Solstice this year, there is an event that many different cultures from Aboriginal, to Mayans to yogis have been preparing for. The grand conjunction is the first Jupiter and Saturn alignment since May 2000 but is also the closest alignment since 1623! This significant event may have astrologers buzzing but it’s the rest of us who may just need to hop on board and take note. It’s believed that the energy shift taking place in the atmosphere will create higher frequencies that will influence humanity. A time to keep our vibrations high by being true to ourselves rather than being in the constant pursuit of feeling positive. And possibly becoming more aligned with our true purpose.
Whether you believe in astrology, meditation or anything woo woo or not, you can’t deny the science that everything is energy, including us. And tomorrow evening marks a major energy shift.
If you’re a regular meditator or have never sat still for one second in your life, my one Christmas Wish is that you set your alarm to meditate at 9:02pm Monday 21st December. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and connect to yourself and to the universe. Let all of your thoughts be on love and joy. You just may take part in a rescue mission. And if not, what have you got to lose?
I’m sure that over the course of the next few days, my trademark Christmas giddiness will re-emerge and I’ll be thankful to be one of the lucky ones. I had my favourite word tattooed on my body as a reminder that I always believe in magic. And there’s no better time of year to truly…

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas everyone, thank you for being a part of this journey with me, take care of yourselves and each other. Eat everything in sight on Christmas Day, and when the clock strikes midnight on the 31st, hit reset and know that we can only go up from here. We may be bruised, but we are not broken.
Give 2020 your best hair flick and three departing words; Nice Try Bitch.